The First KeraNatural CAIRS Implanted in Italy.

EYE PRO Studio Oculistico is proud to announce that Dr Edmondo Borasio has successfully implanted the first KeraNatural CAIRS (Corneal Allogenic Intrastromal Ring Segments) for Keratoconus in Italy.

The operation was successfully performed using a Femtosecond Laser and preliminary results on day 2 are positive, with a marked improvement in corneal topography (reduction of the inferior cone) and a significant improvement of both unaided (UAVA) and best corrected (BCVA) visual acuity.

Many thanks to Dr Aylin Kılıç for developing the procedure and for her precious advice in planning personalised individualised treatment.

KeraNatural® is an arc shaped sterile corneal allograft made from donated human corneal tissue. It was developed by VisionGift in their state of the art laboratories. VG is an FDA registered and Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) accredited eye bank.

The segments are made of NATURAL HUMAN CORNEA and their main advantage over traditional corneal rings which are made of plastic (PMMA) is a better integration in the patients’ corneas and a much reduced risk of corneal melting and extrusion.

  • The operation takes 10-15 minutes and is done under topical anaesthesia (eyedrops only needed).
  • Normal life after a couple of days.
  • Visual improvement may not be apparent for approximately one month.
  • Visual stability takes max 6 months.
  • A second follow-up procedure may be needed to fine tune the length and position of the implant.
  • Results are best when Keratoconus is treated at an early stage.
  • Reversible anytime (there are 4 years follow-up data).
  • There is no foreign body with there is long life and transparent tissue.
  • An advantage is that unlike traditional corneal rings there is no glare. 
  • Always chance for PK/DALK later if needed
  • The potential risks of the procedure include infection and continued progression of keratoconus or ectasia.
  • Its better that its followed by corneal collagen cross linking for maximum stability.
  • There is over 4 year follow up already but the long-term results of the procedure are not yet known.