About Us

Everything is closer now

Its where together the alliance and the intelligent global network align to provide an executive circle of elite subscribers - hearing every voice rapidly improves patients health and provides better, safer, patient-centered care.

What if patients start advising the doctor ?

Keratoconus and ectatic corneal diseases have been recognized for more than 150 years. Over the last 2 decades through a great number of global, regional, national and local initiatives, there has been a revolution in the knowledge related to the diagnosis and management of these conditions. Whilst the extensive knowledge regarding the diagnosis and management of keratoconus and ectatic corneal diseases has improved, many controversies still exist. For that reason, there is a need for the continual meeting of minds for improving the current guidelines for the diagnosis and management of these conditions.

‘The patient is the final judge’

KC Freedom uniquely continues to be the original first and only international Keratoconus research pioneer that is completely independent, impartial and unbiased of the research it explores, studies, inspects, examines, and inquires into so that there is a level playing field upon which patient research can be done fairly.

Meticulously, right from the outset disseminating accurately at a fast-pace the soaring and spiralling injustices going on, to then also constantly and consistently in rapid succession help bring about thoroughly and carefully exceptional resolutions, for our fast expanding community. Furthermore, this is what since the turn of the century has been the Global Keratoconus Society's international initiative driving the change we can see forging ahead today. Up until then developments in Keratoconus had been held back and stagnant for far too long due to the ineptitude that was going on before our arrival on the scene.

The situation and backdrop was of the whole Keratoconus landscape being full of unedifying chaos, and in force was the infamous cookie cutter mentality and a conveyor belt of medical loops going on, and no one speaking out about it.

'Creating order from chao'  

Since then its become an unparalleled global initiative commissioning a multidisciplinary research community that's open for everyone to give their feedback, to create, to contribute and interact with content and connect with other members. Share your experiences to create better experiences and help others make better choices and at the same time encourage genuine improvements from service providers and so that they up their game.

We encourage constructive feedback which is open to all to give without fear or favour.

We champion authentic assessment and fight fake appraisals.

 We go where science takes us 

 We advocate against bias 

We Start Where Others Stop

Despite improved ability to diagnose and treat patients (and as a result, the previously established prevalence approximation of keratoconus among the general population being challenged with there being much higher prevalence rates found in many parts of the world), it needs to be reiterated that there remain many controversial aspects including, access to eyecare pathways, disease definition and diagnosis and also in the clinical, medical and surgical management of these patients. These controversies have led to a need for achieving unanimous settlement and consistency to conclusively assist in the management of patients with these varying corneal conditions.

Shrinking the ‘giant’ with Science

In The Line Of Sight 



  Knowledge Works